March 12, 2025

AirTag–Should Replacement Be the Best Resort?

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Item tracking and AirTag are partners. However, there have been some issues with Airtag and some ought to repair while other prefers to replace it completely. However, airtage replacement price (ราคาเปลี่ยนเครื่อง airtag, term in Thai) is kind of expensive. Apple’s item tracker appears to be more capable than its competitors thanks to precise tracking and the extensive Find My Network supported by over a billion Apple devices and it becomes a popular option for many, particularly when you consider how well it integrates into the Apple ecosystem.

Using Precision Finding, Find a Lost AirTag

In addition to Bluetooth, AirTag has an Apple U1 Ultra-Wideband chip. Also, if your iPhone 11 or 12-series handset has the U1 chip, you can benefit from a useful function called “Precision Finding.” You can use it to find the location and direction of a lost AirTag. Using haptics, sound, and visual cues, the iPhone leverages data from the camera, gyroscope, and  accelerometer to show you exactly where the AirTag is located. One of the most useful tips and methods for the AirTag comes from owning the most recent iPhone.Go to the “Items” tab in the Find My app and select the “Precision Finding” option. Choose the AirTag you want to find next. After that, select “Find Nearby” and adhere to the on-screen directions to locate your misplaced item. Should there be any issues, airtag repair is an option, but you hae to know airtag repair price (ราคาซ่อม airtag, term in Thai) beforehand.

Replace the battery in your AirTag

The AirTag’s battery replacement is as simple as it gets. Hence, if the battery in your item tracker ever runs out, you can easily replace it. Incidentally, the CR2032 battery used in the Apple AirTag is available for purchase on Amazon. In addition, there are numerous offline retail locations where you can get batteries. Hence, when it’s time to change the battery, it won’t cost you much to buy a new CR2032 battery.

Set Your Apple AirTag to Factory Settings

You must factory reset the item tracker before giving it to someone else or selling it off because when setting up your AirTag with iPhone,  it is instantly linked to your Apple ID. It is simple to reset the airtag and is another useful trick you may use while you are within Bluetooth range.

Via the Locate Me App, reset AirTag

Choose the AirTag you want to delete by going to the “Items” page in the Locate My app. After that, select the “Remove Item” option after sliding up to show the AirTag settings. Then, in the pop-up window, affirm that you wish the AirTag be removed from your account.